The Invisible Box

History of a box that doesnÆt exist

I wrote this file over four years ago. It appeared in NSA (national security anarchists) issue four. When I wrote it, it was the first article for the NSA newsletter, and appeared along with "QSD is the place to be".

While it was fun to write, and I got a lot of positive feedback from other NSA members (if your friends canÆt say good things about you, quit now - or find new friends).

About a month or two after this appeared Mind Rape, editor of NSA got busted. Along with all his incriminating evidence, all of issue 5 was confiscated. According to him it was mostly done. This was the last issue MR worked on, and his career in the CU press was finished (although heÆs made noises about starting to write again).

It is my understanding that this document was used in court. The prosecutors (including Gail Thackery, I would assume) apparently took this document VERY seriously. Perhaps they didnÆt read the context of the article - an introduction to "The serious side of hacking" is right before it, explaining my non-tech poetry satire and fluff.

At the time, the 50Mhz 486 hadnÆt been released. The software (obviously) was never released, we relished the thought of everyone looking everywhere for it. At least the dupes. All in good fun.

MR pointed this out to his lawyer, who laughed his public-defending ass off. I heard the story a few months ago, and was tickled pink.

--=] National Security Anarchists [=--
--=] Volume I, Issue IV [=--
--=] Presents [=--

--=] The Serious Side of Hacking [=--
== The INVISIBLE Box ==
==The first in a series of previously unreleased boxes==

An Introduction
A friend of mine who is both an electrician and a phone technician has had no contact with the computer underground, and yet has managed to design and produce several incredible boxes that never have been released. This dear soul was kind enough to take me under his wing and show me some of his incredible inventions. Luckily for all of us he was not only interested in saving some money (he too abhors the idea of paying for ANY phone call), but had a healthy interest in anarchy as well. The INVISIBLE box I am about to describe is SO incredible it makes the blotto box look like the DONUTHIN box (to be released at a later time in this series).

DISCLAIMER: Important! This file was DESIGNED to ENCOURAGE others to break laws, commit anarchy, and create havoc. If you have NO intention of doing all of the above please do NOT read this. I however will take NO responsibility for the MANY laws I hope I to encourage you to break.

USAGE: Essentially this is an improved blotto box. But the blotto box, as we know was bullshit, this WORKS! (I have, um, er, friends that have told me so, I would NEVER break any laws myself). Through the use of the RS232 port on your 50mhz IBM compatible we will show you how to destroy ANY, I repeat ANY area code you wish to destroy. I know this sounds incredulous but there is an essential flaw in the surge protect system that is installed around the country. (This system is the reason that the blotto box did not work and was bullshit). One of the incredible features that this box has is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to trace with existing current technology.


The flaw with the infamous blotto box is that it tried to instantly fry the area code (another flaw is that it tried to kill the area code that you were IN). The INVISIBLE box slowly builds up voltage in the remote target until the required voltage is established, then discharches just enough voltage to create a spike to demolish an area code.



The National Security Anarchists Release Of
"Area Sucking, Smashing Heroific Osculator: Lancaster Engineered"

I know the title is a bit of a mouthful, but the writer of the program (my friend I was telling you about) insisted, so NSA finally gave in, and released it under that name. This program has already been released to the general public, and can be found on ANY worthwhile H/P/A/C/V/K/W board in the country.

The interface between the components has been explained in detail with the docs to that accompany the program. (we tried to think of an acronym for the program, but were at a loss).

Well I guess thats pretty much it. I would explain how to use the program, but it is SO painfully obvious once you load it in, I would feel like an idiot spending precious disk space explaining it here.

NOTES: I would like to thank my friend (Lancaster) for thoughtfully engineering this, and taking the time and energy to write the program (he spent four LONG months doing so). I would also like to announce with pride that this program is now Windows compatible, and soon will be released for various other systems depending on the hardware that is currently available on some systems. Thank you, and happy area code killing.

Distribution Sites that Carry the:
Area Sucking, Smashing Heroific Osculator Software Lancaster Engineered
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